Beacon Square Civic Association
Scholarship Name: BSCA Scholarship Program
Description: This interesting local scholarship rewards students living in the Beacon Square area of Michigan. The scholarship funds come from the sale of neighborhood land. Like many community scholarships, candidates should have a good academic record, proven leadership skills and potential, a record of community service and strength of character. Students who keep their grades up can renew the award for up to four years.
Award: $1,000
Awards per Year: 12
Award is Open to: High School Seniors
Major/Field of Study: Open
How to Apply/Contact: Download an application from the Beacon Square Civic Association website.
See Also: Scholarships for Community Service and Volunteering
Higher Education Student Assistance Authority
Scholarship Name: The Dana Christmas Scholarship for Heroism
Description: This scholarship honors former Seton Hall University student and resident adviser, Dana Christmas, who saved dozens of students during a tragic dormitory fire in 2001. In recognition of her heroic spirit, the scholarship committee seeks to recognize other New Jersey students who have performed similar acts of exceptional heroism. Students must 21 years or younger at the time of their heroic act and must be nominated for consideration. The scholarship is a one-time, non-renewable award given to up to five recipients each year. The nomination and application requirements are due no later than October.
Award: $10,000
Awards per Year: 5
Award is Open to: High School Students, Undergraduate Students (under 21), Graduate Students (under 21)
Major/Field of Study: Open
How to Apply/Contact: You must be nominated to qualify for the Dana Christmas Scholarship for Heroism. Nomination forms and the application can be found at the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority website.
See Also: Scholarships for Community Service and Volunteering