West Virginia University Alumni Association
Scholarship Name: WVU Alumni Association‘s Loyalty Permanent Endowment Fund (LPEF)
Description: We’ve outlined many scholarships for students with interesting hobbies, specific career tracks or physical characteristics. The WVU Alumni Loyalty Permanent Endowment Fund does what we traditionally think of for scholarship programs: it rewards the high school superstars. These are the valedictorians, student body presidents, community service leaders and other stellar high school seniors in the state of West Virginia. The WVU Alumni Association clearly believes in giving back locally, and some scholarships through the fund cover as much as full tuition to West Virginia University. Eligible applicants must also prove some financial need.
Award: Full Ride
Awards per Year: Varies
Award is Open to: High School Seniors
Major/Field of Study: Open
How to Apply/Contact: You can download an LPEF application and learn more about the program at the WVU Alumni Association website.
See Also: Scholarships for Community Service
Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore
Scholarship Name: Richard F. and Patricia M. Hazel Minority Teachers Scholarship
Description: For aspiring teachers on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore offers are great opportunity to earn a major college scholarship, especially if you plan to return to the Eastern Shore after you complete your education degree. To qualify for this scholarship, you must also be a minority student, and commit to teaching for at least two years in the public education systems of Somerset, Wicomicoor Worcester Counties. The Foundation actually distributes more than 87 scholarships in total, ranging in value from $5,000 to $14,000. The website lists all of the eligibility and application information, with specific scholarships being earmarked for students at specific high schools.
Award: $14,000
Awards per year: 7
Award is Open to: High School Seniors
Major/Field of Study: Education, Teaching
How to Apply/Contact: The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore keeps a comprehensive list of all of the scholarships they offer, along with downloadable or online application on their website.
See Also: Scholarships for Education Majors, Scholarships for African American Students, Scholarships for Latino Students