Is your favorite channel the History Channel? Do you look up the true story of the historical figures you see in movies? Are you happy spending your time at the history museum?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you might want to become a history major. You might be concerned with how you are going to fund a two- or four-year history degree. There are many financial aid options out there for students studying history.
There are even college associations that exist specifically to support students studying history, and many offer scholarships.
The Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society which seeks to “promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians” offers many scholarships to students for both undergraduate and graduate study of history. You’ll need to become a member of the society to qualify, but chapters exist on college campuses across the country.
You can qualify for even more scholarships for history studies by concentrating on a particular subject. Studying the American Revolution can not only be a way to learn more about your own history, but can also help you gain a scholarship from the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Each year the DAR awards a high school senior with a $2,000 scholarship for pursuing a degree in American History.
The following list of scholarships provides even more information about financial aid, including grants and essay contests for history majors. Hopefully one of these will help you become the world’s next great historian!
History: World War II Scholarships >>>