There is no doubt that technology is one of the most fast-paced, fastest-growing industries in the country. Most people think that technology majors are the same as computer science students, but this isn’t always true, and there are many options for scholarships for technology students that are not specific to computer science, and can include automotive, natural resource and other technologies.
Studying technology puts you on the cutting edge of science that helps us in our everyday lives.
For this reason, many of the organization offering technology scholarships are companies that are supporting the latest and greatest research in the technology arena.
Scholarships for technology are seeking to find smart, qualified people to enter technology careers, and sometimes government organizations (or the government themselves) will offer technology scholarships to students willing to study, and eventually work, in a particular state or region. The New Economy Technology Scholarships, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEEA) seeks to do just that in the state of Pennsylvania, and awards $1,000 per year to students enrolled in either two-year or four-year programs.
This does not mean that there are no general technology scholarships. There are many awards given out each year to students studying any of the technological disciplines.
Like many other science and math related fields, there is a push by many schools and organizations to diversify the pool of students studying technology. This has created technology scholarships for minority students like the Xerox Technical Minority Scholarship Program. Rather than offering a base award that is the same for every students, Xerox chooses minority students majoring in any of the technical fields (including Chemistry, Information Management, Material Science and Printing Management Science) and offers to pay the balance of their tuition after other financial aid has been applied.
You can find out more about specific technology scholarships by exploring the student scholarships search section of this site!
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