Did you know that job on the radio, television, in newspapers and even blogging can all start with the same degree? Communications is a rapidly growing field of study that focuses on an important element of all of our daily lives: information.
People keep finding new ways to disseminate information, and communications major are at the forefront of learning about these new techniques, as well as perfecting some of the old ones.
Communications majors can specialize in any number of things, from public relations to radio broadcasting, and scholarships are available for many of these specialties. If you already have a passion for broadcasting, The James Lawrence Fly Scholarship is $2,500 for college offered by the National Association of Broadcasters.
If you’re more fond of NPR than NBC, and radio is more your speed, the John Bayliss Broadcast Foundation provides 15 scholarships for communication studies in for $5,000 each.
Much like scholarships for English majors, most financial aid awarded to communications students will be based on your power to communicate your own thoughts. Applications will more than likely ask you to include a persuasive scholarship essay, or other piece in another medium. Once you’ve decided that you are going to pursue scholarships in communication, you should start thinking about what kind of skills you currently have to make your application truly stand out from the rest in the pile.
In addition to applying to national and general communications scholarships listed on this site, you should visit the communications department website of your university or the universities you are interested in, which will list even more available scholarships for communication majors.
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