Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society
Scholarship Name: Graduate and PhD Studies Scholarships
Description: History is a rather popular major that is much less popular with scholarship committees. Since so many scholarship programs are designed with long term career goals in mind, and since History majors go on to do so many different things – from teaching to research to law. Often, the key to finding scholarships for liberal arts degrees like history is finding the right program. The University of South Florida offers a number or History-related scholarships and grants for research papers, including endowed scholarships for graduate and PhD studies. Students should already be members of Phi Alpha Theta to apply for the Graduate or PhD scholarships.
Amount: $850 – $1,250
Awards per Year: 3
Award is Open to: Graduate Students
Major/Field of Study: History
How to Apply/Contact: Students should contact the financial aid office at USF, as well as the history department to learn more about the criteria and application process for this scholarship.
See Also: History Major Scholarships
W.L. Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships
Scholarship Name: Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship
Description: A unique opportunity for Canadian graduates looking to pursue advanced educational opportunities outside of Canada. Through the Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship (named for Canadian Prime Minister W.L. Mackenzie King), the foundation is looking for students who are ready, willing, and able to go abroad to continue their studies, with an emphasis on cross-cultural learning and exchange.
Amount: $11,000
Awards per Year: 4
Award is Open to: Graduate Students
Major/Field of Study: International Relations, Industrial Relations, History
How to Apply/Contact: To download an application for the Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship, please visit the W.L. Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarship website.
See Also: Scholarships for History Majors, Scholarships for Study Abroad, Scholarships for Graduate Students